The local firewater is a schnapps called brennivin which
is, without a doubt, the nastiest most foul tasting liquor on the face of
the planet. We purchased a bottle in the airport and between the four of
us, we were unable to drink 20% of it, even after
Matt challenged Kyle to drink
shots of it. They would each take a shot, then clutch their throats and blurt
out "Oh man! That's awful! Dear God! This is going to kill me!" then someone
would say "Okay, another." And both would grimmace and try it again. And
then the shots became half shots, and then quarter shots and then they both
gave up. Later, in Holland, Matt would attempt to get visitors to the houseboat
to drink the brennivin, which linda insisted on carrying around. He tried
this on Sander who made a horrid face and said: "Are you sure this is not
for the removal of paint? This is indeed a drink?"