Brainclaw Builds A Wall


Sky (on the right) lives downstairs.

The basement was a separate apartment when I moved in. It's got this weird bathroom in it which basically consists of a toilet on a platform with a shower behind it. A lot like the men's room at CBGB's (which is not a good thing). I'd always wanted to build a proper bathroom around it but my wall making skills are non-existent and, more importantly, I had no idea how to drive a nail into concrete.  Then I remembered that Brainclaw had built their own amazing recording studio. "Do you guys know how to put up walls?" I asked. "Do we ever!" was their response. So, on Sunday, February 20th, they came over to help me frame a wall. "Help me" here is a euphemism for "they framed a wall while I took pictures and made sad jokes."

Some of my jokes were better received than others. Here, Brainclaw reacts as I tell them how I'd been planning on building the bathroom. Um, "no", they said, "you cannot build a wall of duct tape and string. We shall build it from wood and sheet rock. And we shall measure things first." They had brought with them many tools which they used to cut things. They brought their own saw horses. Which is good, since we ended up dismantling one of mine and using the wood later.

Loading the nail gun. Nail gun? Yes, Dave has a gun, powered by 22 caliber shells that fires nails through wood and concrete. "Fire in the hole!" Careful measuring is something I learned from Brainclaw. "Measure twice," they said, "cut once." My father always taught me to "measure three times and take the average".


Was there ever any doubt?


James Bond's in This Old Goth House! David loads his nail gun. It can fire a three inch nail through a 2x4 and into concrete. KAPOW! that's how they anchored the wall to the masonry. Don't you wish you had one? Dave cuts lumber. Dave toenails the uprights.


Sky and Melissa watch DM16 hammer nails. Brainclaw had everything in hand. It turned into a spectator sport. In fact, they sort of looked like survivors sitting on the deck of the Carpathia.

Inspecting the framing. The exposed bathroom. A wall will be a good thing.


A nice shot of the basement and the bathroom. "Cats" are horizontally placed 2x4's inside the wall often used when running electrical wiring, but dave was concerned that the door be able to stand up to killer shrews trying to break through. Finished! Now we gets to put up the sheetrock and hang a door.


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