Kyle's Adventures in Pizza Making
to kyle's adventures in cooking]
Christy gave me a pizza baking stone for Xmas 2003. Thus began my ongoing odyssey of attempting to cook a pizza. It's not as easy as those guys I went to high school with made it look. |
This was my first pizza. Known widely as "the lame pizza". It was about six inches wide. Some parts of the crust were paper thin while others were several inches thick. It was not a good pizza. I also permanently stained my pizza stone with this atrocity. | My second attempt was somewhat better than the Lame Pizza. Called "the square pizza." The crust was uniformly about an inch thick. Which was a lot thicker than I wanted it to be. | Things really shaped up around pizza number three. This was after I bought a rolling pin at the dollar store. Previously my biggest problem was getting the dough flat. The rolling pin made this pretty easy. |
I was in the fresh grocer the other day, and I was staring at the guy making pizza, trying to figure out his secrets. He kept asking if I wanted to order anything. I kept saying "no, I'm just watching." I think I really freaked him out. I do the same thing to the sushi guys. I have to quit that.
Sometime after pizza 19 I realized I needed to get the stove fixed. So I had a vintage stove specalist come over and look at it. He spent three hours cursing at it like a sailor, but eventually got everything together. It's wonderful to be able to put a pizza in all by yourself! How did I live without this for so long? He reattached the door and cleaned out the burners.
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Pizza #32 was a super thin-crust half whole wheat / half bleached flour mushroom and broccoli affair made for Christy for Valentines day. Then we watched Aliens, Special Edition, which she got me. |