[echoes of life]

Al-Moez Alimohamed 47th and Pine, August 29, 1994 pm

Fifth year University of Pennsylvania mathematics student Al-Moez Alimohamed was using a pay phone at 47th and Pine when he was accosted by five teenagers. Together they attacked and beat him, robbing him of $5. As he lay on the ground, one of the youths, Antoine Saunders, 18, produced a sawed off .22 caliber rifle and attempted to shoot the victim but was unable to work the safety. Another of the assailants, Ollie Taylor, 15, took the rifle from Saunders, disengaged the safety, and shot Alimohamed once in the heart. Police, who had witnessed the event from a van parked nearby apprehended the two gunmen. The remaining three were caught several days later. Saunders and Taylor were sentenced to life in prison, two others, Anthony Archer (15) and Gregory Pennington (16) were found guilty of robbery, theft and criminal conspiracy and were sentenced to 10-30 years. Khaalis Edmondson (16) was tried as a juvenile and was convicted of 2nd degree murder became eligible for parole in 1999.